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Brunch, a British cure for Saturday-night carousers

Maybe you haven't wondered yet, but with hípsters and millennials all claiming brunch as a modern invention of their own, you would be shock by the idea that it dates from more than a century ago.

Yes! One hundred and twenty-six years ago specifically.

And also yes, it is believed that this ultimate mealtime combo was originated as a hangover cure.


It is said that brunch has its roots in England's hunt breakfasts, consisting of multi-course meals featuring chicken livers, eggs, meats, bacon, fresh fruit and sweets. And also, that Sunday brunch derives from the practice of Catholics fasting before mass and then sitting down for a large midday meal.

But the word "brunch"—that blend of "breakfast" and "lunch"—first appeared in print in an 1895 Hunter's Weekly article from an essay of the British journalist and author Guy Beringer -born 1873, London, UK and decease 26 January 1926, Middlesex, United Kingdom, aged 53 years-.

In the article called “Brunch: A Plea”, he suggested a meal to rise late, gather your mates, and chat the afternoon away over a feast of breakfast and lunch fare. An avant-garde suggestion for its time.

"By eliminating the need to get up early on Sunday, brunch would make life brighter for Saturday-night carousers. It would promote human happiness in other ways as well.”Beringer stated.

Combining sweet and savoury, you can enjoy it in a variety of forms with tea, coffee or a stronger selection of drinks as he suggested:

“P.S.,” he adds at the end of his essay, “Beer and whiskey are admitted as substitutes for tea and coffee.”

To Beringer, brunch was much more conducive to socializing than the quiet, comforting solitude of an early breakfast. A vision for the brighter world that we now live in on weekends, in which breakfast, lunch, and maybe a couple of mimosas converge in one superior meal with our mates.

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